This, just like the other Shifts, maintain the same style of gameplay; Go through a level with two terrains in one, switching between them to reach your destination. And, just like the others, it keeps the difficulty arc, but in a different manner. But this is where the similarities end. The graphics and music look nothing like traditional Shift. What happened to the intense orchestral track? Why does ShiftMan look like a fat BarfQuestion character? Why is the floor covered with black grass? Why does an explosion straight from Tron play when I die instead of a fountain of blood? I actually lost interest in the game before the second chapter because the game bored me with the not-so-exciting music and the terrains didn't incorporate as much ingenuity as the others. Overall, I personally don't like the change in style, but at least you kept the idea. I'm sure it improves along the line, but I didn't have the guts to go farther.