dude do wat u feel is best. but before u go for good can you do me a huge favor and check out the redo i did
Don't 0-BOMB me, bro!
Age 29, Male
Farrugut Middle
City, State
Joined on 1/9/10
dude do wat u feel is best. but before u go for good can you do me a huge favor and check out the redo i did
hey man,yo don't give up.thats what i did in 09 but now im back with more experience and stuff.ive listened to some of your songs and come on they might have low scores but if you heard my first couple of songs you would laugh.im saying stay in the game and well do it for your self and no one else,sooner or later someone will notice you.put your style and spin on songs and your bound to be a hit,just keep practicing.may i ask what program you use?